Wyoming Legislature
Weekly Sessions Calendars
Wyoming Legislature House & Senate Session Floor Calendars Update February 17-21, 2020
Wyoming Legislature sent this bulletin at 02/14/2020 07:19 PM MSThttps://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WYLSO/bulletins/27be7a1
Wyoming Legislature sent this bulletin at 02/14/2020 07:19 PM MSThttps://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WYLSO/bulletins/27be7a1
wylegjournal.pdf |
- Wyoming Untrapped. Part of Wyoming Untrapped's mission is informing the public of the hazards of Wyoming’s inhumane wildlife trapping practices. WU wrote this issue overview in 2014 as a way of conveying those hazards and providing insight into the realities of trapping in Wyoming. Visit our news section for updates on the issues outlined here.
- google proposed pipeline corridor in southeast Wyoming.
- A network of pipeline is spreading in Wyoming as energy companies prepare for the next boom. Casper Star Tribune. Heather Richard. Apr 1, 201
- PROPOSED DISCHARGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL TO THE SNAKE RIVER. All projects like this affect wetlands permanently. This is a class 1 river.
District: HD09. Landon Brown. Party: R
Mailing Address: 5200 Opal Drive, Cheyenne WY 82009
[email protected]
SD 6 = HD 9 and 10. Anthony Bouchard Party: R
[email protected]
District: HD09. Landon Brown. Party: R
Mailing Address: 5200 Opal Drive, Cheyenne WY 82009
[email protected]
SD 6 = HD 9 and 10. Anthony Bouchard Party: R
[email protected]
Dear Senator/Representative,
This in reference to HOUSE BILL NO. HB29, Designation of migration corridors.
I agree with sec. 23‑1‑1102. Identification of migration corridors. (a): “The department [Wyoming Game and Fish Department] shall submit identified migration corridors based on scientific data and information for potential designation as a migration corridor under this article.”
I disagree with provision 23‑1‑1102 (b) “the department shall forward any identified migration corridors and their boundaries to the board of county commissioners of every county where the identified migration corridor is located.”
I support the compromise on statewide policy of Gov. Mark Gordon’s 2019 convened advisory group, comprised of conservation, oil and gas, sportsmen, agriculture, mining, recreation, Game and Fish, and county government interests. Stakeholders agreed on a compromise and a statewide policy that will allow development to proceed, but create a process that will ensure development occurs in appropriate areas. I support the coming an executive order (similar to the sage grouse order) to be issued by Gov. Gordon. It’s probable that Gov. Gordon’s executive order will be based on the advisory group’s findings and agreements.
I posit that the legislature need not put anything into statute that sets aside input from the stakeholders of the Governor’s advisory group. HB0029 derails the collaborative, practical solution based development of that policy on a model that we know works from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy. Gov. Gordon’s final executive order will be issued any day.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute about migration corridors before Governor Gordon’s executive order.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute Laws are hard to change once passed, and rushing into a statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It is quite possible that HB29 benefits only oil & gas interests.
Stacey McReynolds
Cheyenne, WY
Dear Senator/Representative,
This in reference to HOUSE BILL NO. HB29, Designation of migration corridors.
I agree with sec. 23‑1‑1102. Identification of migration corridors. (a): “The department [Wyoming Game and Fish Department] shall submit identified migration corridors based on scientific data and information for potential designation as a migration corridor under this article.”
I disagree with provision 23‑1‑1102 (b) “the department shall forward any identified migration corridors and their boundaries to the board of county commissioners of every county where the identified migration corridor is located.”
I support the compromise on statewide policy of Gov. Mark Gordon’s 2019 convened advisory group, comprised of conservation, oil and gas, sportsmen, agriculture, mining, recreation, Game and Fish, and county government interests. Stakeholders agreed on a compromise and a statewide policy that will allow development to proceed, but create a process that will ensure development occurs in appropriate areas. I support the coming an executive order (similar to the sage grouse order) to be issued by Gov. Gordon. It’s probable that Gov. Gordon’s executive order will be based on the advisory group’s findings and agreements.
I posit that the legislature need not put anything into statute that sets aside input from the stakeholders of the Governor’s advisory group. HB0029 derails the collaborative, practical solution based development of that policy on a model that we know works from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy. Gov. Gordon’s final executive order will be issued any day.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute about migration corridors before Governor Gordon’s executive order.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute Laws are hard to change once passed, and rushing into a statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It is quite possible that HB29 benefits only oil & gas interests.
Stacey McReynolds
Cheyenne, WY
TODAY to kill legislation for TAX BREAKS on coal and oil and gas, call the Voter Hotline 307-777-8683 and leave your representative a message to VOTE NO on the following up today for introduction:
House Bill 231- Coal severance tax exemption-Canadian and Mexican ports …reduces coal severance taxes to promote coal exports through ports in Canada and Mexico. It would decrease funding for education and government services. (excerpted, Powder River Basin Resource Council)
House Bill 243 - Oil & gas new production …the severance rate is not the determining factor on whether an oil and gas well gets drilled and the only thing this bill does is take money away from schools and other government services. (excerpted, Powder River Basin Resource Council)
TODAY to kill legislation for TAX BREAKS on coal and oil and gas, call the Voter Hotline 307-777-8683 and leave your representative a message to VOTE NO on the following up today for introduction:
House Bill 231- Coal severance tax exemption-Canadian and Mexican ports …reduces coal severance taxes to promote coal exports through ports in Canada and Mexico. It would decrease funding for education and government services. (excerpted, Powder River Basin Resource Council)
House Bill 243 - Oil & gas new production …the severance rate is not the determining factor on whether an oil and gas well gets drilled and the only thing this bill does is take money away from schools and other government services. (excerpted, Powder River Basin Resource Council)
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Governor Gordon signs Wyoming Mule Deer and Antelope
Migration Corridor Protection Executive Order
Migration Corridor Protection Executive Order
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fact-sheet_-hb-29-migration-corridors.pdf |
All appropriate stakeholders and the public were engaged in the development of that policy — a policy that meets everyone’s interests and can be effectively implemented, and incorporates what we’ve learned from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution, overstep the governor, and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy.
statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It only benefits oil & gas interests.
All appropriate stakeholders and the public were engaged in the development of that policy — a policy that meets everyone’s interests and can be effectively implemented, and incorporates what we’ve learned from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution, overstep the governor, and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy.
statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It only benefits oil & gas interests.
greenwashing coal
Here is the term for the repeated claim that WY coal is clean coal. It’s greenwashing. Fossils companies greenwash, deceptive marketing. It’s also what the guv-o-wyo and legislators do as public sentiment turns against WY fossils has grown. What exactly is greenwashing, you may ask? It’s a form of deceptive marketing in which a company, product, or business practice is falsely or excessively promoted as being environmentally friendly. The spin is also, “poor WY. The world doesn’t understand. WY sells the most coal in the world and they should thank us, because WY’s is the cleanest coal in the world! Boohoohooo.” The guv-o-wyo and the state politicos take greenwashing to its highest (or is it the lowest) level. https://climatereality.com/blog/actions-vs-words-look-fossil-fuel-greenwashing?utm_source=advocacy&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=general&utm_content=realitynow-email-2-0220&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpsa1ltVmhPVGcwWTJWbSIsInQiOiJQdE9WWXVBZ2Jpd3pndkxKeERcL3huUmlRY0tDU1cwMjdUM1wvQ1kxMkwwVU5sRXp1TzFRM21nXC9wXC9xUHM3cG5XNFpTaUNwMmhlS0RVeXdUM0hJUUpcL0NlRWVOXC90NWpDT05DUHp2WmhRYXNlZXJFbk1RUGp4TkROanRSTjFcL1ZiMFQifQ%3D%3D
WY Guvnah
WY Guvnah and rep. pals, the fossils stooges spinning spinning spinning: “Wyoming is the cleanest and safest energy producer “on the planet,” Gordon said. Oh reeeaaally. “Yet our industries are still discriminated against, maligned (oh poooor WY) and decried as dead.” Not just decried as, is. The writing is on the wall - the WY economy is in the toilet because fossils giants and WY politicos are $$$$ing the shit out us (politicos bought and sold. Fucking assholes.)
“We will not recklessly abandon our most abundant and reliable energy source just because it is unpopular with some people,” Gordon said. Some people? How about the fucking world! At least those of us who want a futurel, dog breath.,
Environmentalists drop lawsuit over federal oil, gas leasesapnews.com
Feb 7, 2020 - (AP) — An agreement to drop a lawsuit over federal oil and gas ... Center for Biological Diversity, which sued along with the Sierra Club and ... Two of the bureau leases near Woodruff, about, about 10 miles (16 ... Mountain Energy Corp ., which has access to about 103 square miles (266 square kilometers).
The third near Petrified Forest National Park went to Texas-based Rare Earth Exploration LLC. Rare Earth Exploration
Environmentalists are concerned not about the helium itself but about the extraction methods on land near the Little Colorado River and Silver Creek that is home to threatened species. They say surface and underground water could become contaminated if companies use hydraulic fracturing, a technique that uses a high-pressure mix of waterCenter for Biological Diversity, which sued along with the Sierra Club and WildEarth Guardians. Two of the bureau leases near Woodruff, about 10 miles southeast of Holbrook, were sold to Desert Mountain Energy Corp., which has access to about 103 square miles, sand and other chemicals to unlock oil and gas deposits.
Desert Mountain Energy said it won't use fracking near rivers or environmentally sensitive areas. Rare Earth Exploration said its methods involve drilling in shallow areas using water, and "there's no threat of negative environmental effect or any threat to drinking water."
Here is the term for the repeated claim that WY coal is clean coal. It’s greenwashing. Fossils companies greenwash, deceptive marketing. It’s also what the guv-o-wyo and legislators do as public sentiment turns against WY fossils has grown. What exactly is greenwashing, you may ask? It’s a form of deceptive marketing in which a company, product, or business practice is falsely or excessively promoted as being environmentally friendly. The spin is also, “poor WY. The world doesn’t understand. WY sells the most coal in the world and they should thank us, because WY’s is the cleanest coal in the world! Boohoohooo.” The guv-o-wyo and the state politicos take greenwashing to its highest (or is it the lowest) level. https://climatereality.com/blog/actions-vs-words-look-fossil-fuel-greenwashing?utm_source=advocacy&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=general&utm_content=realitynow-email-2-0220&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpsa1ltVmhPVGcwWTJWbSIsInQiOiJQdE9WWXVBZ2Jpd3pndkxKeERcL3huUmlRY0tDU1cwMjdUM1wvQ1kxMkwwVU5sRXp1TzFRM21nXC9wXC9xUHM3cG5XNFpTaUNwMmhlS0RVeXdUM0hJUUpcL0NlRWVOXC90NWpDT05DUHp2WmhRYXNlZXJFbk1RUGp4TkROanRSTjFcL1ZiMFQifQ%3D%3D
WY Guvnah
WY Guvnah and rep. pals, the fossils stooges spinning spinning spinning: “Wyoming is the cleanest and safest energy producer “on the planet,” Gordon said. Oh reeeaaally. “Yet our industries are still discriminated against, maligned (oh poooor WY) and decried as dead.” Not just decried as, is. The writing is on the wall - the WY economy is in the toilet because fossils giants and WY politicos are $$$$ing the shit out us (politicos bought and sold. Fucking assholes.)
“We will not recklessly abandon our most abundant and reliable energy source just because it is unpopular with some people,” Gordon said. Some people? How about the fucking world! At least those of us who want a futurel, dog breath.,
Environmentalists drop lawsuit over federal oil, gas leasesapnews.com
Feb 7, 2020 - (AP) — An agreement to drop a lawsuit over federal oil and gas ... Center for Biological Diversity, which sued along with the Sierra Club and ... Two of the bureau leases near Woodruff, about, about 10 miles (16 ... Mountain Energy Corp ., which has access to about 103 square miles (266 square kilometers).
The third near Petrified Forest National Park went to Texas-based Rare Earth Exploration LLC. Rare Earth Exploration
Environmentalists are concerned not about the helium itself but about the extraction methods on land near the Little Colorado River and Silver Creek that is home to threatened species. They say surface and underground water could become contaminated if companies use hydraulic fracturing, a technique that uses a high-pressure mix of waterCenter for Biological Diversity, which sued along with the Sierra Club and WildEarth Guardians. Two of the bureau leases near Woodruff, about 10 miles southeast of Holbrook, were sold to Desert Mountain Energy Corp., which has access to about 103 square miles, sand and other chemicals to unlock oil and gas deposits.
Desert Mountain Energy said it won't use fracking near rivers or environmentally sensitive areas. Rare Earth Exploration said its methods involve drilling in shallow areas using water, and "there's no threat of negative environmental effect or any threat to drinking water."
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