Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice
Energy and Environmental Justice
Grren Tech Media
Radicalizing Relationships To and Through Shared Geographies: Why Anarchists Need to Understand Indigenous Connections to Land and Place
Adam J. Barker and Jenny Pickerill
Indigenous activists and anarchist Settler people are articulating common ground in opposition to imperialism and colonialism. However, many anarchists have faced difficulties in Indigenous solidarity work through unintentional (often unwitting) transgressions and appropriations. Through the introduction of settler colonialism as a complicating power dynamic, we observe that anarchists bring unconscious spatial perceptions into their solidarity work. Further, Indigenous activists often perceive anarchists as Settler people first and foremost, which carries another set of spatial implications. We examine a number of examples of anarchist and Indigenous activism, at times empowering and at times conflictual, in order to reveal some general trends. Through an intensive synthesis of Indigenous peoples’ theories and articulations of place- based relationships, we suggest that deeper understandings of these relationships can be of great importance in approaching solidarity work in place and with respect.
Keywords: anarchism, indigeneity, relationships, place, settler colonialism
Adam J. Barker and Jenny Pickerill
Indigenous activists and anarchist Settler people are articulating common ground in opposition to imperialism and colonialism. However, many anarchists have faced difficulties in Indigenous solidarity work through unintentional (often unwitting) transgressions and appropriations. Through the introduction of settler colonialism as a complicating power dynamic, we observe that anarchists bring unconscious spatial perceptions into their solidarity work. Further, Indigenous activists often perceive anarchists as Settler people first and foremost, which carries another set of spatial implications. We examine a number of examples of anarchist and Indigenous activism, at times empowering and at times conflictual, in order to reveal some general trends. Through an intensive synthesis of Indigenous peoples’ theories and articulations of place- based relationships, we suggest that deeper understandings of these relationships can be of great importance in approaching solidarity work in place and with respect.
Keywords: anarchism, indigeneity, relationships, place, settler colonialism
radicalizing_relationships_to_and_throug.pdf |
Indigenous Environmental Network https://www.ienearth.org EN is an alliance of Indigenous peoples whose mission it is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining and respecting Indigenous teachings and natural laws. Adopted in 1994 by the IEN National Council, Denver, Colorado
As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock by Dina Gilio-Whitaker (2019). I find that Gilio-Whitaker is a great researcher and her writing lends strong voice to “why EJ - Diversity - Decolonization?” I call your attention especially to “Chapter One, Environmental Justice Theory and Its Limitations for Indigenous Peoples.” This chapter contains quintessential history of EJ, governmental deference to and legal issues in EJ. From Gilio-Whitaker’s references in this chapter, SEE
The 17 Principles of Environmental Justice (EJ)
Oct 24 1991 to Oct 27 1991. First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit. https://worldhistoryproject.org/1991/10/24/first-national-people-of-color-environmental-leadership-summit
Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism. (todo en Ingles y Espanol!). http://www.ejnet.org/ej/
Dina Gilio-Whitaker and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz have both written what I think are the very best and scholarly books about EJ and Decolonization. Both of these women are often referenced in research that I read in this field.
Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville Confederated Tribes) is an award-winning journalist and columnist. She is a lecturer of American Indian Studies at California State University San Marcos, and independent consultant and educator on environmental justice and other Indigenous policy-related issues. She is the author of "As Long As Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice from Colonization to Standing Rock" and co-author with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz of "'All the Real Indians Died Off' and 20 Other Myths About Native Americans." She lives in San Clemente, CA.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz grew up in rural Oklahoma. She has been active in the international Indigenous movement for more than four decades and is known for her lifelong commitment to national and international social justice issues. After receiving her PhD in history at the University of California at Los Angeles, she taught in the newly established Native American Studies Program at California State University, Hayward, and helped found the Departments of Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies. Her 1977 book The Great Sioux Nation was the fundamental document at the first international conference on Indigenous peoples of the Americas, held at the United Nations' headquarters in Geneva. Dunbar-Ortiz is the author or editor of several books, including An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States. She lives in San Francisco.
The 17 Principles of Environmental Justice (EJ)
Oct 24 1991 to Oct 27 1991. First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit. https://worldhistoryproject.org/1991/10/24/first-national-people-of-color-environmental-leadership-summit
Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism. (todo en Ingles y Espanol!). http://www.ejnet.org/ej/
Dina Gilio-Whitaker and Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz have both written what I think are the very best and scholarly books about EJ and Decolonization. Both of these women are often referenced in research that I read in this field.
Dina Gilio-Whitaker (Colville Confederated Tribes) is an award-winning journalist and columnist. She is a lecturer of American Indian Studies at California State University San Marcos, and independent consultant and educator on environmental justice and other Indigenous policy-related issues. She is the author of "As Long As Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice from Colonization to Standing Rock" and co-author with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz of "'All the Real Indians Died Off' and 20 Other Myths About Native Americans." She lives in San Clemente, CA.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz grew up in rural Oklahoma. She has been active in the international Indigenous movement for more than four decades and is known for her lifelong commitment to national and international social justice issues. After receiving her PhD in history at the University of California at Los Angeles, she taught in the newly established Native American Studies Program at California State University, Hayward, and helped found the Departments of Ethnic Studies and Women's Studies. Her 1977 book The Great Sioux Nation was the fundamental document at the first international conference on Indigenous peoples of the Americas, held at the United Nations' headquarters in Geneva. Dunbar-Ortiz is the author or editor of several books, including An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States. She lives in San Francisco.
Inside Climate News https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?u=7c733794100bcc7e083a163f0&id=51a291e833&e=77cd7dc21d
Sustainable Development Solutions Network. https://www.unsdsn.org/
New Economy Coalition The New Economy Coalition is a membership-based network representing the solidarity economy movement in the United States. We exist to organize our members into a more powerful and united force, in order to accelerate the transition of our economic system from capitalism to a solidarity economy. neweconomy.net
Assistance to Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities Included in Environmental Justice Bill. Environmental and Energy Study Institute. March 27, 2020. Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986). Introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27.
Addressing the Climate Crisis: Infusing Tribal Culture into Climate Science education. David Rockwell, Germain White, and Adrian Leighton Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education. https://tribalcollegejournal.org/addressing-the-climate-crisis-infusing-tribal-culture-into-climate-science-education/
As Long as Grass Grows. The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice From Colonization to Standing Rock, by Dina Gilio-Whitaker.
Western watersheds project
The transition of the global energy system away from fossil fuels is already happening, and the proportion of clean power in the energy mix is only projected to increase. Changing the nation’s energy sources is key to mitigating climate change, but, in the process, one must ensure that all groups and communities are able to benefit from the transition. The Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986), introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27, seeks to assist transitioning workers and communities, in addition to pursuing several other environmental justice goals. For more details on the process used to develop the bill as well as its other provisions, click here.
Thank you very much for the zoom conversation last evening. Thank you for Refugees by Brian Bilson and the reference to Eddie Moore Jr. and
https://www.whiteprivilegeconference.com/. Thank you for your referance to the invisible white knapsack. It has been a long time since I’ve have exemplary diversity training and this was part of the work we did. I just now dowloaded a pdf of White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh. Today, I am adding a dedicated page to my website, and I think I’ll call it “The Invisible Knapsack.” (It works for my travelogues site quite well, yes? Have I covered the materials you gave us last night? I am always open to suggestions for people and new resources and dialogue about them. Simply Michael, You Rock! I’m grateful to know you.
Stacey McReynolds
Andrew Doss and Future Tide Partners.
Assistance to Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities Included in Environmental Justice Bill. Environmental and Energy Study Institute. March 27, 2020. Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986). Introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27.
Addressing the Climate Crisis: Infusing Tribal Culture into Climate Science education. David Rockwell, Germain White, and Adrian Leighton Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education. https://tribalcollegejournal.org/addressing-the-climate-crisis-infusing-tribal-culture-into-climate-science-education/
As Long as Grass Grows. The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice From Colonization to Standing Rock, by Dina Gilio-Whitaker.
Western watersheds project
The transition of the global energy system away from fossil fuels is already happening, and the proportion of clean power in the energy mix is only projected to increase. Changing the nation’s energy sources is key to mitigating climate change, but, in the process, one must ensure that all groups and communities are able to benefit from the transition. The Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986), introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27, seeks to assist transitioning workers and communities, in addition to pursuing several other environmental justice goals. For more details on the process used to develop the bill as well as its other provisions, click here.
Thank you very much for the zoom conversation last evening. Thank you for Refugees by Brian Bilson and the reference to Eddie Moore Jr. and
https://www.whiteprivilegeconference.com/. Thank you for your referance to the invisible white knapsack. It has been a long time since I’ve have exemplary diversity training and this was part of the work we did. I just now dowloaded a pdf of White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh. Today, I am adding a dedicated page to my website, and I think I’ll call it “The Invisible Knapsack.” (It works for my travelogues site quite well, yes? Have I covered the materials you gave us last night? I am always open to suggestions for people and new resources and dialogue about them. Simply Michael, You Rock! I’m grateful to know you.
Stacey McReynolds
Andrew Doss and Future Tide Partners.
First Nations
A U.S. tribe’s uphill battle against climate change. Valerie Volcovici. Reuters ENVIRONMENT. APRIL 13, 2020. TAHOLAH, Washington (Reuters) - For several years, Fawn Sharp has seen her tribe on the coastline of Washington state lurch from crisis to crisis: rising sea levels have flooded the Quinault Indian Nation’s main village, and its staple sockeye salmon in nearby rivers have all but disappeared – a direct hit to the tribe’s finances and culture.
Assistance to Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities Included in Environmental Justice Bill. Environmental and Energy Study Institute. March 27, 2020. Environmental Justice for All Act (H.R.5986). Introduced into the House Committee on Natural Resources on February 27.
In the Mountains and Deserts of Utah, Columbia Spotted Frogs Are Sentinels of Climate ChangeMormon pioneers saw the frogs as messengers of clean water. Now, their survival is jeopardized by habitat loss, drought and soaring heat. by Judy Fahys. APR 1, 2020. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/31032020/columbia-spotted-frogs-utah-climate-change-endangered-species-chytrid?utm_source=InsideClimate+News&utm_campaign=068a1297c9-&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_29c928ffb5-068a1297c9-327971849
Climate Change
The Fossils are Filth
Trump’s Move to Suspend Enforcement of Environmental Laws is a Lifeline to the Oil Industry. The American Petroleum Institute sought the EPA’s help for companies hurt by COVID-19. One former EPA official called the suspension “an open license to pollute." Inside Climate News. BY MARIANNE LAVELLE, PHIL MCKENNA, DAVID HASEMYER, NICHOLAS KUSNETZ. MAR 27, 2020.
Pandemic Recovery Green? Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/green-projects-could-pull-economies-out-of-the-coronavirus-slump?fbclid=IwAR1GH37Ko-NAM3_vjea6JYb7pVU5-x1gL3-a0xVbjsS5jyMfLdZdzBMLxCw
- The 17 Principles of Environmental Justice Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC, drafted and adopted 17 principles of Environmental Justice. Since then, The Principles have served as a defining document for the growing grassroots movement for environmental justice.
20_2_3_ntec_chrp_pr.pdf |
Arizona Tohono O’odham demand end to blasting of sacred sites for border wall By Staff | on March 04, 2020
By Talli Nauman Native Sun News Today Health & Environment Editor
By Talli Nauman Native Sun News Today Health & Environment Editor
Climate crisis messenger begins ‘tough’ tour through the West promoting bill. https://www.powelltribune.com/stories/climate-crisis-messenger-begins-tough-tour-through-the-west-promoting-bill,23951
- The great dismantling of the national parks is underway. The Guardian. Jonathan B Jarvis and Destry Jarvis. January 10, 2020.
- Nick Gault I believe conservatives are trying to privatize every public service to the benefit of their pocketbook. Morality be damned.
- cop25, 2019. Climate change: Longest talks end with compromise deal. By Matt McGrath BBC Environment correspondent, Madrid. 12/15/2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-50799905. All countries will need to put new climate pledges on the table by the time of the next major conference in Glasgow next year. Divisions over other questions - including carbon markets - were delayed until the next gathering.
- co2Colonialism The majority of climate policies continue to include false solutions, the key purpose of this toolkit is to analyze and interrogate market-based carbon pricing initiatives in all of their forms. This toolkit is part of a wider education initiative that aims to build popular education and resistance to carbon pricing from the ground up!
- Indigenous Environmental Network IEN is an alliance of Indigenous peoples whose mission it is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining and respecting Indigenous teachings and natural laws. decolonization
- decolonization and indigenation
Native American Moms Discuss Why Mercury Standards Matter: Interview with Rachel Fernandez. JANUARY 13, 2020 BY MOMS CLEAN AIR FORCE
https://www.momscleanairforce.org/native-am-rachel-fernandez-mercury-standards/?utm_id=1579292732&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mcaf_none_upd_mcaf&email_variant&utm_source=EDF+action+network&fbclid=IwAR2ZrkMDTHjBA8qBvQvLgNH5THNquGKOXjDqBEPdxbkyebiL1ev2RRbhO3g - Energy Wire. username: [email protected]. password: eenews
- En-Roads Modeling Site
- Yale Climate Communications
- En-ROADSClimate Change Solutions Simulator
- Wyoming Climate Activists
- Alliance for Climate Education
facebook - Climate Nexus works to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy from an argument to a constructive search for solutions. Subscribe her to the newsletter - Daily Climate Hot News and
Weekly Clean Energy News, - Whether or not we are aware of it, events amplified by climate change are happening all the time. Climate Signals identifies and illustrates what climate change looks like on the ground, in your region, state, or neighborhood and specifies the long-term climate trends and physical processes at work. With backgrounds spanning science, journalism, government, public affairs, corporate sustainability, consulting, policy and filmmaking, our team brings these diverse skills to partners in the science, business, public health, environmental and policy fields. For more about us, visit the Team page.
- Princeton...
- Who funds you members of Congress? OpenSecrets.org
- To find your member of Congress . current bills & legislative activities . learn about committees https://www.congress.gov
snowgoosefestival_brochure_2020_mkvi.pdf |
The Important Bird Areas Program in the United States: Building a Network of Sites for Conservation, State by State
the_important_bird_areas_program_in_the_united_states-_building_a_network_of_sites_for_conservation_state_by_state1.pdf |
Embrace Mother Earth
Jane Fonda: We Have to Live Like We’re in a Climate Emergency. Because We Are. I don’t want to look back and wonder what more I could have done to save our planet.
Practice respect of cultures
Wisdom Keepers . Sacred Places . Climate & Environment Organizations
Jane Fonda: We Have to Live Like We’re in a Climate Emergency. Because We Are. I don’t want to look back and wonder what more I could have done to save our planet.
Practice respect of cultures
Wisdom Keepers . Sacred Places . Climate & Environment Organizations
- The Climate Reality Project
- OneGreen Society. We address the environmental crisis through education and facilitating strategic actions. We inspire conservation efforts by reconnecting individuals with nature. Recognizing the connection between our environment, food access, and health, we promote food equity on the local level.https://onegreensociety.wildapricot.org
- https://workspace.oregonstate.edu/course/advanced-permaculture-design-for-climate-resilience?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=advanced-permaculture&hsa_acc=10201360532635203&hsa_cam=6095213573021&hsa_grp=6095213573421&hsa_ad=6095213573821&hsa_src=fb&hsa_net=facebook&hsa_ver=3&fbclid=IwAR0lJhkLGthwaQ_ULCit5w2ZEjfdDRRQShJTNc9O-dhnYCFBHWo7scNPvFk
- Alliance for Climate Education - facebook
- Climate Realty Project - facebook
- co2colonialism.org Building Solidarity Against False Solutions! This digital toolkit will help you analyze, interrogate & resist market-based carbon pricing initiatives in all its forms. The majority of climate policies continue to include false solutions, the key purpose of this toolkit is to analyze and interrogate market-based carbon pricing initiatives in all of their forms. This toolkit is part of a wider education initiative that aims to build popular education and resistance to carbon pricing from the ground up! - Tom Goldtooth Indigenous Environmental Network, Angela Adrar Climate Justice Alliance, Author Tamra Gilbertson, Cynthia Mellon, Editor. Climate Justice Alliance, Aurora Conley Anishinaabe Environmental Protection Alliance July 6th, 2019, Chicago Pilot Training
- Grassroots Global Justice (GGJ) is a national alliance of US-based grassroots organizing (GRO) groups organizing to build an agenda for power for working and poor people and communities of color. We understand that there are important connections between the local issues we work on and the global context, and we see ourselves as part of an international movement for global justice. http://ggjalliance.org
- Indigenous Environmental Network https://www.ienearth.org/contact-us/
- Climate Justice Alliance
- Endorsers of HR763
- Cameron Chapter. Cameron AZ. The Cameron Chapter was recognized in 1955 by the Navajo Tribal Council. Cameron Chapter abides by Title 26 of the Navajo Nation Code and other applicable laws, found under subtitle "Navajo Nation Code". Here. https://cameron.navajochapters.org
- Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. In 2000, the sovereign nations of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Bay Mills Indian Community and the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians entered into an agreement with the State of Michigan titled the “Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority Act.” This act served as an inter-tribal management body for the 1836 Treaty Fishery and the Inland Lands and Waters Resources Committee to oversee inland resource matters.
- To'Nanees'Dizi Local Government, Navajo Nation To this day, Tuba City serves an administrative center for Navajo Nation government program services, the Indian Health Service, BIA, and other organizations. This concentration of government services has created a hub for commercial establishment and activities. https://tonaneesdizi.navajochapters.org
- Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. The Red Cliff Reservation was created through a series of treaties between the U.S. Government and the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians (Red Cliff Band), the most recent being the treaty of 1854. The reservation is approximately one mile wide and 14 miles long, located at the top of the Bayfield Peninsula, on the shores of Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin. The village of Red Cliff, the location of tribal offices and businesses, is three miles north of Bayfield Wisconsin, a popular tourist community adjacent to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. http://www.redcliff-nsn.gov
red-cliff-band-of-lake-superior-chippewa-indians-wi.pdf |
navajo-nation-tuba-city-az.pdf |
navajo-nation-cameron-chapter-az.pdf |
renewable/sustainable energy .
- Community prepares to throw switch on solar farm 100% owned and operated by First Nation. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/solar-power-community-bc-1.5380369?fbclid=IwAR2JW-Hn8kSuStvEv5sxGS-XSA1Oa3Boh2QZyOITNTJjb9uIYIADojbLzXE
- A Walk in the Park with Nick Mollé: Nature of the Beasts. Follow filmmaker and host Nick Mollé to examine the challenges faced by Rocky Mountain National Park and its ecosystem, including a surge in visitation and the effects of climate change. Learn how education, positive park experiences, and a newfound appreciation for the wilderness landscape can create constructive change for a park in peril. https://video.wyomingpbs.org/video/a-walk-in-the-park-with-nick-molle-nature-of-the-beasts-apxjyj/
- Climate Impacts on the Poor Report: Inequalities exacerbate climate impacts on poor Evidence is increasing that climate change is taking the largest toll on poor and vulnerable people, and these impacts are largely caused by inequalities that increase the risks from climate hazards, according to a new report launched by the United Nations.
- The World Economic and Social Survey 2016: Climate Change Resilience—an Opportunity for Reducing Inequalities (#WESS2016), found that governments can play a significant role in reducing the risks of climate change to vulnerable populations. Through transformative policies, the report shows that governments could address the root causes of inequalities and build climate change resilience.
- United Nations Sustainable Development. (2019). Accessed 31 Oct. 2019. SEE The Sustainable Development Goals - blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030. Click on any specific Goal below to learn more about each issue. United Nations Sustainable Development. (2019). About the Sustainable Development Goals - United Nations Sustainable Development. [online] Available at: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019]
- How Boulder is creating a path for cities to scale up carbon sequestration BY BRETT KENCAIRN.
- WORLD ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SURVEY 2016. Climate Change Resilience: an opportunity for reducing inequalities:
Climate Change Resilience: an opportunity for reducing inequalities |
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Supports Social and Climate Justice |
environmental justice
"the spell of the sensuous," David Abram
- "'Racism dictates who gets dumped on': how environmental injustice divides the world" by Nina Lakhani. The Guardian. Five luminaries explain the concept of ‘environmental justice’ and reveal why, alongside the climate crisis, it is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Lakhani, N. (2019). 'Racism dictates who gets dumped on': how environmental injustice divides the world. [online] the. Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/21/what-is-environmental-injustice-and-why-is-the-guardian-covering-it [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].
- 17 principles of Environmental Justice, drafted and adopted by Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, held on October 24-27, 1991 in Washington DC. Ejnet.org. (2019). Principles of Environmental Justice. [online] Available at: https://www.ejnet.org/ej/principles.html [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].
- Reinventing the Enemy's Language, Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America. Edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird with Patricia Blanco, Beth Cuthand, and Valerie Martinez. This anthology celebrates the experience of Native American women and is at once an important contribution to our literature and an historical document. It is the most comprehensive anthology of its kind to collect poetry, fiction, prayer, and memoir from Native American women. Over eighty writers are represented from nearly fifty nations, including such nationally known writers as Louise Erdrich, Linda Hogan, Leslie Marmon Silko, Lee Maracle, Janet Campbell Hale, and Luci Tapahonso; others ― Wilma Mankiller, Winona LaDuke, and Bea Medicine ― who are known primarily for their contributions to tribal communities; and some who are published here for the first time in this landmark volume. Harjo, J. and Bird, G. (1998). Reinventing the enemy's language. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
- Facebook.com. (2019). Decolonize Myself - A First Nations Perspective. [online] Available at: https://www.facebook.com/decolonizemyself/?__tn__=%2CdkCH-R-R&eid=ARCYKJkzQLQ24WiBcAJOLz_HijCjWk3vrP9Mt4hFjSGKD52fCRRPESvHqt4f7ArHMN59Ua4VtaQuumj4&hc_ref=ARSZArblK4J_AduRTsxs1ZD9EbC09sItDmi1hFhEAuHCaGCNyoHDPz7rbAkTyKh_GQk&fref=nf&hc_location=group [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].
"the spell of the sensuous," David Abram
- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/19/endangered-species-us-climate-crisis
- UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RIGHTS OF MOTHER EARTH. April 22, 2010. Cochabamba, Bolivia "We, the peoples and nations of Earth: considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny; gratefully acknowledging that Mother Earth is the source of life, nourishment and learning and provides everything we need to live well; recognizing that the capitalist system and all forms of depredation, exploitation, abuse and contamination have caused great destruction, degradation and disruption of Mother Earth, putting life as we know it today at risk through phenomena such as climate change; [....]" The Rights of Nature. (2019). Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth - The Rights of Nature. [online] Available at: https://therightsofnature.org/universal-declaration/ [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].
"Conscious Living, Mindful Consumption, and Collective Impact" (Spirit Horse Nation)
- "We help our community learn how to find peace and connection in their daily lives, how to lessen our impact on Mother Earth and how to shine a light on environmental injustice wherever it may exist." Spirit Horse Nation. (2019). Spirit Horse Nation. [online] Available at: https://www.spirithorsenation.org [Accessed 31 Oct. 2019].
Additional Readings
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, Fourth Edition, 2018. Edited by Maurianne Adams, Warren J.Blumenfeld, D.
Catalano, Keri “Safire” DeJong, Heather W. Hackman, Larissa E. Hopkins, Barbara J. Love. Madeline L. Peters, Davey
Shlasko, and Ximena Zuniga.
The Nature of Prejudice, 25th Anniversary Edition, by Gordon W. Allport, 1979. Introduction by Kenneth Clark and
Forward byThomas Pettigrew.
The Spell of the Sensuous, The: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World by David Abram
",,,this book startles our senses out of the habitual way of seeing and hearing , waking us to our full-bodied
engagement in the wider life of the animate earth." Earth Mother David Abram's ecological philosophy in The
Spell of the Sensuous writes about Pathways are guided by Wisdom Keepers, to Sacred Places, and by"Taku Wakan -
all things mysterious taken together" (Walker). Abram, D. (n.d.). The Spell of the Sensuous, The: Perception and
Language in a More-Than-Human World.
Wall, Steve and Harvey Arden. Wisdomkeepers - Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders.
Arden, H., Wall, S. and Horn, G. (2006). Wisdomkeepers. New York: Atria Books/Beyond Words Pub.
see at The First Nations Pathways
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, Fourth Edition, 2018. Edited by Maurianne Adams, Warren J.Blumenfeld, D.
Catalano, Keri “Safire” DeJong, Heather W. Hackman, Larissa E. Hopkins, Barbara J. Love. Madeline L. Peters, Davey
Shlasko, and Ximena Zuniga.
The Nature of Prejudice, 25th Anniversary Edition, by Gordon W. Allport, 1979. Introduction by Kenneth Clark and
Forward byThomas Pettigrew.
The Spell of the Sensuous, The: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World by David Abram
",,,this book startles our senses out of the habitual way of seeing and hearing , waking us to our full-bodied
engagement in the wider life of the animate earth." Earth Mother David Abram's ecological philosophy in The
Spell of the Sensuous writes about Pathways are guided by Wisdom Keepers, to Sacred Places, and by"Taku Wakan -
all things mysterious taken together" (Walker). Abram, D. (n.d.). The Spell of the Sensuous, The: Perception and
Language in a More-Than-Human World.
Wall, Steve and Harvey Arden. Wisdomkeepers - Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders.
Arden, H., Wall, S. and Horn, G. (2006). Wisdomkeepers. New York: Atria Books/Beyond Words Pub.
see at The First Nations Pathways
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Eager for Hope? Ready for Action?
- Watch a 2 min clip
- Join our Info Session
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- Learn about the Bipartisan Climate Solution
- See who's talking about and endorsing HR 763
- Tell your members of Congress that you support a market-based solution
the_five_pillars_of_transformational_organizing__the_guide.pdf |
How and Why I Do Student Outreach:
at The Climate Crisis and Citizens' Climate Lobby <<http://www.roadtriptravelogues.com/the-climate-crisis.html>>
(roadTripTravelogue.com <<http://www.roadtriptravelogues.com>>)
UUs - Webinar: UUs & the Youth-Led Global Climate Strikes. Unitarian Universalists Association. September 6, 2019.
Citizens' Climate Lobby - The Bipartisan Climate Solution H.R. 763
For over a decade, our volunteers have asked their Members of Congress to work together to solve climate change. A viable climate change solution needs to be big and lasting — which means bipartisan legislation. We fully support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. This policy will drive down America’s carbon pollution while unleashing American technology innovation and ingenuity.
"The most lasting climate action would be bi-partisan because it wouldn't change with politics (whether D's or R's hold congress).
The ask: "Make climate change a bridge issue rather than a wedge issue." "this nation needs lawmakers who will put aside partisan politics in order to find solutions to shared problems." (Presbyterian Mission, "In Support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (HR 763), February 12, 2018) https://www.presbyterianmission.org/eco-journey/2019/01/29/in-support-of-the-energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act-of-2018/
Resources for Meeting/Takeaways at The Climate Crisis/Citizens Climate Lobby
The Bipartisan Climate Solution
Data about the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
H.R.763 data that can be obtained from the dataset:
(roadTripTravelogue.com <<http://www.roadtriptravelogues.com>>)
UUs - Webinar: UUs & the Youth-Led Global Climate Strikes. Unitarian Universalists Association. September 6, 2019.
- CCL is focused on H.R. 763, empowers us to use our political will and build relationships amongst ourselves for collective impact toward US legislators and for endorsements of HR 763.
- The dividend protects the poor.
- On Jan. 24, 2019, Representatives Ted Deutch (FL-22), Francis Rooney (FL-19), Charlie Crist (FL-13), Judy Chu (CA-27), Anna Eshoo (CA-18), Scott Peters (CA-52), and Dan Lipinski (IL-03) introduced H.R. 763, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (EICDA). This carbon pricing bill is an advancement of Congressional efforts to control U.S. carbon emissions and reduce greenhouse gase
- Presbyterian Office of Public Mission, December 19, 2018 In Support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (HR 763)
Citizens' Climate Lobby - The Bipartisan Climate Solution H.R. 763
For over a decade, our volunteers have asked their Members of Congress to work together to solve climate change. A viable climate change solution needs to be big and lasting — which means bipartisan legislation. We fully support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. This policy will drive down America’s carbon pollution while unleashing American technology innovation and ingenuity.
"The most lasting climate action would be bi-partisan because it wouldn't change with politics (whether D's or R's hold congress).
The ask: "Make climate change a bridge issue rather than a wedge issue." "this nation needs lawmakers who will put aside partisan politics in order to find solutions to shared problems." (Presbyterian Mission, "In Support of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (HR 763), February 12, 2018) https://www.presbyterianmission.org/eco-journey/2019/01/29/in-support-of-the-energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act-of-2018/
Resources for Meeting/Takeaways at The Climate Crisis/Citizens Climate Lobby
The Bipartisan Climate Solution
- Exponential Climate Roadmap https://exponentialroadmap.org/?fbclid=IwAR0r58VNFCdt54hsVJQgpZ8wXqwnWimom4dql2qhXguHWUakguKxO2y8lkE
- Data Sources for facts about the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
- See HR763 Sponsoring Legislators Here
- This topic covers the historic bipartisan legislation that aligns closely with CCL’s carbon pricing principles. https://community.citizensclimate.org/topics/energy-innovation-act
- Faith Outreach This training focuses on how to begin reaching out to your national faith headquarters, potential allies, and local places of worship, given that many voices within the faith community have been making a moral case for action on climate change. https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/337
- Frontload Summary of H.R.763 https://citizensclimatelobby.org/energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act/
- See the US Legislator Sponsors https://energyinnovationact.org/
Data about the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
H.R.763 data that can be obtained from the dataset:
- The carbon fee schedule from 2020 to 2050
- The change in emissions year by year
- The amount of carbon fee revenue year by year, before and after administrative costs
- The total amount of money projected to be available for carbon dividends
- The projected size of an adult dividend for each year
- Full text of HR763 the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
- Data Sources for facts about the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
- Climate and health impacts of US emissions reductions consistent with 2 °C Drew T. Shindell, Yunha Lee & Greg Faluvegi in Nature Climate Change
- CCE commissioned Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) to study the effect of a revenue-neutral carbon price on the American economy.
- Support for Policies to Address the Pollution that Causes Global Warming. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication - Policy & Politics, May 8, 2018.
- Climate Mayors
- Rooted in Cheyenne A local response to the impacts of climate change, stated as, “Rooted in Cheyenne was founded on the idea that our residents are an important part of helping to establish a greener city.”
- Municipal Resolutions calling for Carbon Fee and Dividend.
- Energy Innovation Act Q&A
- Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act Dataset For:
- how big a dividend check a family of four is projected to receive in 2025.
- the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 if the Energy Innovation Act policy is adopted.
- how the Act performs compared to the Clean Power Plan.
- https://www.wyomingnews.com/news/local_news/laramie-county-landowners-file-suit-over-alleged-drilling-monopoly/article_988cf506-f0c0-54a2-9e95-1bd014bc93bd.html#utm_source=wyomingnews.com&utm_campaign=%2Fnewsletters%2Fheadlines%2Fentertainment%2F%3F-dc%3D1575118809&utm_medium=email&utm_content=read%20more
- Oil, gas companies work to reduce emissions as political debate continues. by JACK MONEY November 24, 2019 5:00 AMhttps://oklahoman.com/article/5647840/oil-gas-companies-work-to-reduce-emissions-as-political-debate-continues
HR763 Calculations Datasets
CCL's Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act dataset (Version R7) |
Dear Senator/Representative,
This in reference to HOUSE BILL NO. HB29, Designation of migration corridors.
I agree with sec. 23‑1‑1102. Identification of migration corridors. (a): “The department [Wyoming Game and Fish Department] shall submit identified migration corridors based on scientific data and information for potential designation as a migration corridor under this article.”
I disagree with provision 23‑1‑1102 (b) “the department shall forward any identified migration corridors and their boundaries to the board of county commissioners of every county where the identified migration corridor is located.”
I support the compromise on statewide policy of Gov. Mark Gordon’s 2019 convened advisory group, comprised of conservation, oil and gas, sportsmen, agriculture, mining, recreation, Game and Fish, and county government interests. Stakeholders agreed on a compromise and a statewide policy that will allow development to proceed, but create a process that will ensure development occurs in appropriate areas. I support the coming an executive order (similar to the sage grouse order) to be issued by Gov. Gordon. It’s probable that Gov. Gordon’s executive order will be based on the advisory group’s findings and agreements.
I posit that the legislature need not put anything into statute that sets aside input from the stakeholders of the Governor’s advisory group. HB0029 derails the collaborative, practical solution based development of that policy on a model that we know works from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy. Gov. Gordon’s final executive order will be issued any day.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute about migration corridors before Governor Gordon’s executive order.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute Laws are hard to change once passed, and rushing into a statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It is quite possible that HB29 benefits only oil & gas interests.
Stacey McReynolds
Cheyenne, WY
This in reference to HOUSE BILL NO. HB29, Designation of migration corridors.
I agree with sec. 23‑1‑1102. Identification of migration corridors. (a): “The department [Wyoming Game and Fish Department] shall submit identified migration corridors based on scientific data and information for potential designation as a migration corridor under this article.”
I disagree with provision 23‑1‑1102 (b) “the department shall forward any identified migration corridors and their boundaries to the board of county commissioners of every county where the identified migration corridor is located.”
I support the compromise on statewide policy of Gov. Mark Gordon’s 2019 convened advisory group, comprised of conservation, oil and gas, sportsmen, agriculture, mining, recreation, Game and Fish, and county government interests. Stakeholders agreed on a compromise and a statewide policy that will allow development to proceed, but create a process that will ensure development occurs in appropriate areas. I support the coming an executive order (similar to the sage grouse order) to be issued by Gov. Gordon. It’s probable that Gov. Gordon’s executive order will be based on the advisory group’s findings and agreements.
I posit that the legislature need not put anything into statute that sets aside input from the stakeholders of the Governor’s advisory group. HB0029 derails the collaborative, practical solution based development of that policy on a model that we know works from decades of collaborative work and state-led management on sage-grouse. HB 29 would undo a Wyoming-made solution and undermine all of the hard work and good thinking that has been put into creating a policy that actually works for our wildlife, communities, and economy. Gov. Gordon’s final executive order will be issued any day.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute about migration corridors before Governor Gordon’s executive order.
There’s no reason that the legislature needs to put anything into statute Laws are hard to change once passed, and rushing into a statutory change before the executive order is released and implemented is unwise policymaking. It is quite possible that HB29 benefits only oil & gas interests.
Stacey McReynolds
Cheyenne, WY
fact-sheet_-hb-29-migration-corridors.pdf |
meetings & tabelings materials
meetingflyer.pdf |
HR763 In-Depth Factsheet |
Faith-brochure.pdf |